The Shopkeepers: Storefront Businesses and the Future of Retail

ISBN: 9783899555905

Author: Robert Klanten    Publisher: Gestalten

In the age of online shopping, opening a store and becoming a shopkeeper seems like a bold move. Yet from Vienna to Vancouver, storefronts are emerging once again as worthy opponents to commercial corporations. Customers embrace individual businesses that share the distinctive knowledge, personalities, vision, and humour of their owners. Whether brand new and based on innovative ideas or passed down for generations and revamped, the stores and their shopkeepers featured in this book stand out for the singular experience they provide to their customers and the personal selection of items they sell. The Shopkeepers: Storefront Businesses and the Future of Retail celebrates the diversity and creativity of brick-and-mortar businesses, telling the stories of the shops and their unique owners.

Bind: hardback

Pages: 256

Dimensions: 240 x 300 mm

Publication Date: 29-12-2015

Availability Date: 31-05-2016

Tags: Architecture & Design   Business

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