Te Toro Huhu a Kuwi
He kātua a Kuwi kātahi anō ka whai pīpī mōkinokino. Ka kitea rānei he huhu hei kai māna? Kuwi is a new mum with a very fussy chick. Will she ever find him any huhu to eat? ‘Mā reira e mahia ai te hāngī huhu, te kukū huhu me te hūhunu huhu...’ ‘They could make huhu hāngī, huhu hummus and huhu barbecue...’ Hei whai ake i te pukapuka i eke ki te tihi o te rārangi pukapuka e tōmina nuitia ana, arā 'ko Te Hua Tuatahi a Kuwi'. Following on from the #1 Bestselling ‘Kuwi’s First Egg’.
NZ$ 19.99
240 x 240 mm
He kātua a Kuwi kātahi anō ka whai pīpī mōkinokino. Ka kitea rānei he huhu hei kai māna? Kuwi is a new mum with a very fussy chick. Will she ever find him any huhu to eat? ‘Mā reira e mahia ai te hāngī huhu, te kukū huhu me te hūhunu huhu...’ ‘They could make huhu hāngī, huhu hummus and huhu barbecue...’ Hei whai ake i te pukapuka i eke ki te tihi o te rārangi pukapuka e tōmina nuitia ana, arā 'ko Te Hua Tuatahi a Kuwi'. Following on from the #1 Bestselling ‘Kuwi’s First Egg’.
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