Reasons To Write Rhymes
SAMPLE POEM Sometimes it’s a gift When a thought just appears Like a flash of lightning A life-changing idea If you were to add up Each one of your thoughts Would there be a million A billion or more? At times what we think Is not what we say We swallow our secrets And hide them away * Rob uses his rap writing skills and performance experience to help young people find and develop their voice * Helps young people have fun exploring new creative ways to express themselves
NZ$ 17.99
215 x 215 mm
In Stock
SAMPLE POEM Sometimes it’s a gift When a thought just appears Like a flash of lightning A life-changing idea If you were to add up Each one of your thoughts Would there be a million A billion or more? At times what we think Is not what we say We swallow our secrets And hide them away * Rob uses his rap writing skills and performance experience to help young people find and develop their voice * Helps young people have fun exploring new creative ways to express themselves
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