More Than A Roof

More Than A Roof

More Than A Roof is about housing. It's about nostalgia, anger, contentment, longing, fear and much much more. It brings together voices from across the spectrum - from those with no homes, those in emergency accommodation, in caravans, in cars, on boats, in rentals, or in their own houses. Drawing together well-known writers and first-time poets, it's a unique and timely collection. Each poem lets us in to a personal viewpoint and narrative that gently and inevitably leads to a self-reflection of what makes up our own home. A welcome respite to the endless editorials on the housing crisis and who is to blame. – Vic Crockford and David Zussman, Community A house, a home, to be homeless, to be at home in the world… I guarantee you’ll be moved by the stories in this collection, lavish in its multiplicity of voices. It’s beautiful and heart-warming, and at times it will move you to tears. A wonderful read. – Bernadette Hall
NZ$ 25.00
129 x 198 mm
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