Double Jeopardy

ISBN: 9781991103093

Author: Stef Harris    Publisher: Quentin Wilson Publishing

Move over, Jack Reacher, here comes Frank Winter The Fifth Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America carries the Double Jeopardy clause. This states that no man, having been acquitted of a crime, shall be tried a second time for the same crime. Frank Winter, a retired county sheriff and former hard-boiled Boston detective with a soft center, is living in curmudgeonly retirement with his beloved dog, Dolly. But when his daughter’s killer is released on parole, Frank’s back, a man on a mission, and it’s yesterday once more. But first, Frank’s got a bunch of favours to call in. Throw in a rookie minder cop who’s great with computers but scared of guns, and help from the desirable Destiny, whose past is even murkier than Frank’s… well, you just know things will go according to plan. Strong characters, well-paced action, dark humour and cracking dialogue make Double Jeopardy an old-school crime novel with a surprisingly modern twist.

Bind: paperback

Pages: 264

Dimensions: 152 x 229 mm

Publication Date: 24-05-2023

Availability Date: 26-05-2023

Tags: New Release   March / April 2023   Fiction & Literature   Gift Ideas

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