Brain Teasers for Dogs
For a balanced and happy dog, mental workload is as important as the daily walk. In this book you will find many creative brain teasers that you can implement quickly and easily at home and that really challenge your dog. Discover how much fun you can put into everyday objects and how small variations can turn even familiar games into a completely new gaming experience for your dog - endless fun is guaranteed!
NZ$ 29.99
NZ$ 22.49
Easter Sale | 25% off!
171 x 237 mm
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For a balanced and happy dog, mental workload is as important as the daily walk. In this book you will find many creative brain teasers that you can implement quickly and easily at home and that really challenge your dog. Discover how much fun you can put into everyday objects and how small variations can turn even familiar games into a completely new gaming experience for your dog - endless fun is guaranteed!
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