One Mans Religious Journey
*Explores the growth and development and changes in one man’s faith over 87 years *Debates and analyses, in the light of modern scholarship, key Christian doctrines. *Speculates on the possible survival or otherwise of the Christian church in the world Ewing’s life has known many twists and turns. He is still an ordained Presbyterian minister and has been a minister in another calling since 1979. His faith has been shaped through illness for 5 years with tuberculosis, his theological training for the church, his experiences of the suicidal death of a son, the death of his wife and remarriage, the controversy over a book he wrote about the life of Jesus, his work over nearly 20 years with questioning and rebellious youth and 50 years of radio broadcasting. Ewing has always questioned his Christian faith and some of the ancient doctrines of the Christian church in the light of the scientific age. The virgin birth of Jesus, the miracles, stories of Jesus’ resurrection and place of the Christian church in a world of many beliefs. His aim is to encourage his readers to question what they believe and to be honest in their thinking about faith. And to encourage the adoption of a belief system that leads to a moral approach to the whole of life through this philosophical auto biography.
NZ$ 29.00
148 x 210 mm
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