

Framed !! is a collection of four plays, each of a different genre of play. All plays are designed for a large cast so that as many of the class as possible are involved. Murder Mystery: FRAMED!! Mona Lisa has been viciously murdered. The only witnesses are a whole lot of paintings, a white rabbit and an albino monk covered in blood. Can the cream of sleuths and detectives: Inspector Moutarde, Sherman Bones, Inspector Chapeau and Miss Petal solve this difficult crime? 25 Characters (can double) Adventure: Bob Babstock and the Red Moustache. Bob Babstock, living in suburbia with his unimaginative wife Jean, has retired and can only dream adventures. As Bob and Jean board ‘The Cruise Away Over Sixties Pacific Trip of a Lifetime’, they are followed by Bob’s imaginary other life in which Bob is the hero and the supporting cast is Indiana Jones, the evil Dr Skrebels, Errol Flynn and Bob’s ideal woman, Marilyn Monroe. 14 Characters Crime/Film Noir: The Crystal Case When Saffron Crystal enters Sam Holloway’ s Detective Agency, he knows that this dame is trouble. Sam untangles a linear plot with a small flashback to answer the many questions: Where is Rick Crystal? Why does Tony Two Tooth only have two teeth? Who was on the Grassy Knoll and why doesn’t Rosie feel like dancing? 18 Characters Science Fiction: To Boldly Go (where no man has gone before) Commander Blogg, with his crack team of Trekkies, including a computer named Hell, has a mission to land on Planet Xanadu to save the Stickons from the Norrebos, all of whom bear names from the Ikea catalogue. Love triangles, split infinitives and recipes for Sticky Pudding never deter the Commander from his objective To Boldly Go where No Man has Gone before.
NZ$ 32.00
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